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Hidup di Belanda

How to get Permanent Residence in the Netherlands?

8th March 2017 - 6 min read

Recently I got my Dutch permanent residence (YAY!). Buat yang penasaran apa sih untungnya punya Dutch Permanent Residence (PR), syarat-syarat untuk bisa daftar, dan bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkannya. Di blog kali ini saya mendedikasikan untuk mengupas secara detail pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut.

Syarat penting untuk dipertimbangkan sebelum apply:

  • Untuk PR Belanda, kamu harus tinggal lebih dari 5 tahun tanpa jeda untuk bisa eligible. Untuk PR EU (atau disebut dengan Long Term Residence EC, yang artinya kamu akan diberi kemudahan untuk tinggal atau kerja di negara-negara European Union lainnya selain Belanda, kamu harus tinggal lebih dari 5 tahun tanpa jeda. Hanya saja yang membedakan adalah periode studi dihitung separuh (jadi buat saya yang menghabiskan 4 tahun sekolah, cuma dihitung 2 tahun), jadi total harus 7 tahun untuk daftar PR Long Term Residence EC. Untuk memastikan apakah kamu sudah memenuhi hitungan tahun tersebut, kamu bisa cek ke IND (088 043 0430 – open from Monday – Friday from 9-5) dan tanya apakah memang hitungan kamu benar. Saya belajar ini dari pengalaman suami saya yang setelah menjalani semua proses, ternyata hasil keputusan dari PR ditolak dikarenakan ada gap selama 1 minggu di jumlah tahun dia tinggal di Belanda. Kita nggak akan pernah tahu hal kaya gini, karena seringnya perpanjangan Residence Permit per tahun pada saat masa sekolah diurus oleh International Office kampus. FYI, kalau sudah punya PR Belanda, bisa kok diupgrade ke PR EU.
  • Harus punya Non-permanent Residence permit selama 5 tahun berturut-turut dan harus berlaku pada saat aplikasi diajukan dan saat keputusan dikeluarkan.
  • Kamu sedang bekerja dan mempunyai gaji yang cukup sesuai standar minimal atau kamu mempunyai partner yang memiliki PR. Untuk jelasnya berapa minimal gaji, cek di website ini.

Apa sih keuntungan-nya?

Intinya sih hak-hak kita disetarakan dengan hak-hak warga negara/ lokal kecuali hak untuk memilih/vote, yang buat saya tidak terlalu masalah hehe. Hak-hak dibawah inilah yang paling signifikan untuk kesejahteraan hidup saya.

  1. Jaminan/Security secara independen:

Saya memang saat ini sedang bekerja, jadi tidak terlalu khawatir dengan masalah permit karena hingga saya keluar/dipecat, saya akan disponsori oleh employer. Tapi, jika suatu saat nanti kantor tempat saya bekerja mengadakan lay off atau terjadi sesuatu dan saya diharuskan untuk berhenti, saya hanya akan memiliki waktu 27 hari-3 bulan untuk mencari kerja baru. Kalau belum mendapatkan pekerjaan di periode waktu itu, maka saya pun harus angkat koper dan pulang ke Indonesia. Inget lho, untuk kembali lagi ke Belanda tidak semudah itu. Selagi masih di Belanda, keuntungan dan kemungkinan harus dipergunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya. Intinya dengan PR, kamu tidak perlu siapa-siapa untuk menjamin kamu tinggal di Belanda selain kamu sendiri tanpa jangka waktu.

     2.  Biaya sekolah setara dengan lokal 

Di Belanda, gap biaya sekolah antara murid internasional dan lokal sangat signifikan. Dulu waktu S1, saya bayar 4500eur/tahun dan orang lokal hanya 1500/tahun. Lumayan banget kan? Ini pertimbangan untuk just in case, karena saya masih membuka kesempatan untuk saya sekolah lagi. We’ll see about that 😉

.    3. Kemungkinan untuk kembali ke Belanda di masa mendatang

Saat suatu hari nanti saya pindah ke negara lain atau pulang ke Indonesia, saya masih bisa kembali ke Belanda secara mudah. Hanya saja, PR harus dimaintain, dengan cara stay di Belanda paling tidak 3 bulan dalam setahun. Maka dari itu, investasi membeli rumah dan kemudian disewakan merupakan salah satu pilihan.

Bagaimana memulai prosesnya? 

  1. Inburgering test

Tes ini adalah tes kemampuan bahasa Belanda dan sejauh mana kita terintegrasi dengan sekitar. Inburgering test terdiri dari 6 macam tes yaitu listening, reading, writing, speaking, culture, dan mencari kerja di labor markt belanda.  Biaya dari tes ini adalah 50 euro per tes untuk listening, reading, writing, speaking, culture, dan 100 euro untuk tes tenaga kerja. Jadi total yang harus dibayar adalah 250 euro. Setelah lulus, diploma dari tes-tes ini perlu dilampirkan di aplikasi form yang nantinya akan kamu kirim ke IND.

Tips: Nggak perlu ngambil les bayar mahal-mahal, pertanyaannya dari percakapan sehari-hari dan common knowledge kok. Kalau mau latihan atau ngelihat layout soalnya, sila cek disini.

Waktu: 1-3 bulan

Biaya: 250 eur

p.s Jika kamu pernah ikut kelas bahasa belanda/ kelas integrasi di Belanda, kamu bisa menggunakan transkrip nilai bahasa belanda untuk daftar PR. Saya tahu ini saat sudah lulus tes… Jadi mungkin kalian bisa menghindari tes dan biaya.  

     2.    Isi form

Download formnya disini .  Di link itu kamu juga bisa cek cheklist dokumen-dokumen yang harus dikirim bersama form aplikasi. Sebelum keputusan dibuat, IND akan mengirim receipt atau tanda terima dan biasanya within 3 weeks. Kalau masih belum dapat tanda terima juga, mungkin kamu perlu menghubungi IND just in case mereka tidak menerima aplikasimu.

Waktu: Maksimal 6 bulan

Biaya: 159 eur

p.s Proses yang sama pun harus dilewati untuk menukar paspor merah (sebutan paspor belanda). Sebenarnya saya bisa memilih antara PR atau paspor, tapi dalam hal ini PR pun cukup untuk saya. Masih tidak bisa melepaskan paspor hijau dari negara kebanggan saya.


Hidup di Belanda

Tips on how to get a job in the Netherlands

5th March 2017 - 11 min read

Disclaimer: The tips below are solely based on my own experience as a Netherlands bachelor graduate and an employee of 4 years in this country. 

Some people asked me about how I manage to get a job in the Netherlands. There is no such thing as lucky, but surely there is a mental preparation on when the time should eventually come. The thing that I suggest for all people to own, is to have their own ONE THING. I recently just listened to Book Audible (by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan – totally recommended). They both are entrepreneurs, hence the tendency to relate the ONE THING to career and business perspective. However it is so deep that it is actually applicable for so many other aspects in life. This ONE THING is a vision that we should have when we do something that will generate a shorter goals which will lead you to your ONE THING.

My ONE THING from a long time ago is to be a blessing for other people, and one of the things to get me there is to be a sociopreneur (Social entrepreneur – Urban dictionary: An enterprising individual that starts a venture not merely for profits but for inclusion of the communities that so far have been left out of the main stream). I know that in order to get myself to that point, I have to determine a few sets of short term goals. I decided to save up and collect knowledges from the actual business industry that has been established for a long time as well as with a start up. Why in Netherlands? Because the country has been developed which gives a result to a more modern, open-minded citizens. I intend to learn from the goodness and fruitful actions that most of the people have. A good business does not only necessarily need a good CEO or board of management, but also values from their chosen employees.

I have not been a sociopreneur, but that is ONE THING I want to aim.. And yet I wanted to have a career first elsewhere, to prove that not only western people can work for multinational company, Indonesian too can do it. I realized now, too many unreasonable admiration towards western world from Indonesian people. The sad thing is, this creates and under-estimation of their own self (yes yes of course I was not thinking this deep back then), but I do realize I took a good decision by being persistent and having my ONE THING on 2012-2103 to find a job in the Netherlands. I HAD TO. NO OTHER CHOICE, PERIOD. and plus I wanted to make my parents proud and save up in a bigger amount so I can realize my plan sooner!

THAT’S IT! HAVE VISION and YOUR ONE THING. PRIORITIZE IT! Think about the intention of why you want something as I believe, good whys lead you to good ways.

I read somewhere that achievers always work from a clear sense of priority. And have a vision will help us to guide to our set of priorities. Well actually, after you have picked your one thing, your number one priority should be protecting the time you use to work with your ONE thing. Extraordinary results are determined by how narrow we can make our focus.

Those above are more mental preparation, and below will be the practical extent (some of them are suitable not only to get a job in the Netherlands, but also everywhere)

  1. Get yourself a few internship before actually graduating.

In the Netherlands, if you study in Hogeschool like me (A Dutch polytechnic, college; a higher education institution of lower rank than a university, yet resulting in Bachelor degree no different than university) you will most likely are required to do a work placement in the professional field in the 3rd or 4th year of study. Use this wisely, as this will shape or determine where or how you will work after your graduation. I had a thing with fashion since I was a kid, I always wanted to study fashion and worked in the fashion industry. I did not make it to fashion school because of late enrollment, but I believe it happened for a reason that I needed to taste a broader study. I took International Business and Management instead. Yet, I wanted to work in the fashion industry nevertheless to have some flavors. It took me more than 10 applications until I get an acceptance at MEXX (Dutch brand) in buying/production team. I know, this will lead me to a similar area or position in the future. I actually liked it! I tried and helped several fields as well and told myself I had to get another internship in fashion industry in the similar year on my final year.

        2. NETWORK!

It’s not only in Indonesia you need a good network to get you somewhere, here is as well of course. Recommendation and reference is important everywhere. I actually got my internship at Calvin Klein in my final year through my former supervisor at MEXX. Surely as an intern, you would not know everything, yet that is the perfect timing to get as much knowledge by being curious and enthusiastic. Build a good relationship with your colleague especially your supervisor. The best things are to learn from someone older who has more experiences than you. You will take the best out of their experiences. And you’ll be surprised on how networking works out. Most of the people I know get their job now somehow through the chain of networking.

       3. Shape your CV well, concise and clear. Adjust your CV to the needs of the job you are applying.

You should only write the relevant points in your CV. Writing a lot is easy, writing concise yet informative at the same time is challenging. DO NOT make it 3 long pages experiences. No need to write your elementary school, junior high school or even high school. The recruiter would not care, they will only care about your MAJOR STUDY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY EXPERIENCES/ PROJECTS. Putting pictures are okay. Here are some of the CV layouts you can choose from.


Free Resume templates: 412 professional templates in Word

Non Free

       4. Surround yourself with Motivating people that will lift you up!

It is a self-explanatory

       5. Make 4-6 hours of your day to focus on looking for a job

You certainly are allowed to have a side job/ part time job (that is what I did, I considered this a must as I did not want to depend on my parents anymore. I graduated, gotta live my own life!). But one thing you still have to remember is your ONE THING! Create times every single day to complete this goal, send 5-20 CVs a day. Earning a little money for yourself feels good, but earning much more in the field you always want feels much better. Never settle for less. It will allow you to do things you are not able to do, it’s about persistence!! Forget about holiday, shopping, whatever, you’ll get this once you get a job!

        6. Don’t be too focus with interview lessons in the internet

Learn it, but do not learn it literally. Most of the interview lessons you can find in the internet is mostly American-adapted. We do not need this in the Netherlands, obviously except when you have an interview with American company. People here are quite straight forward, they will show what they expect from you. You do not need to show off yourself too much, Dutch does not really like that attitude. If they want you to show yourself, they will tell you so. Do not forget to ask back the interviewer, show that you are enthusiastic about the job and to know more about the company and what is going on. However, you have to develop elevator pitch. Your answer to ‘tell me about yourself’ has to be powerful.

        7. Don’t send applications to any job

Focus your search on jobs that you’re qualified for. You’ll have a better chance of getting selected for an interview. Sending out random resumes and cover letters is just going to be a waste of time. Before you start job hunting, take the time to decide what type of job you’re seeking. Come up with a target list of companies you’d like to work for

        8.  Market yourself good out there

Shape all your social media profile especially Linkedin or even Facebook as these days the recruiter can access you anywhere and judge you based on that.

And most importantly, BE YOURSELF. Characteristic cannot be bought, skills/qualities can be learned. Do not try too much as it will put you into a terrible situation as they will judge you based on the vibe they get during the interview. And if you are significantly different than the impression you give, it will be difficult for both parties especially for you…. however if you know you have the potential, FAKE IT TILL YOU FEEL IT. But commit to yourself that you will actually do what you say you will do to yourself.

And when they say what is the purpose of your life, to be happy is not exactly right. As you will seek for more and more and more. Happiness happens on the way to fulfillment……..

Good luck!!

Life Quotes Resolutions Self growth Thoughts

2016 Year Review

22nd January 2017 - 6 min read

It has nearly the end of the first month after the whole madness and fireworks celebration of the turning year, in fact we only have 11 more months to go this year. It is no secret that time passes quite rapidly. People say it does when we enjoy what we do. For me, it is both yes and no. Yes because at the moment we have difficulties, the day feels long and short when the other way around. No, because time feels super light speed when it has already passed no matter what you feel on each specific day in the past (exactly what I felt in the New Year’s eve ;)). What I am saying is, time flies anyway, the question is whether we want to look back and make it count or just pass it unconsciously. I think I want to look back and see what I have achieved last year. And as a matter of fact, to be able to achieve what you achieve, you don’t have to particularly enjoy it. Going out from the comfort zone is no enjoyable, but fruitful and we all will be glad eventually that we take risks.

When I thought about it in the New Year’s eve, I felt like I did not do or achieve a lot. But my gratitude journal, my blog, my travel trip has shown differently. I have to say, this is actually one of last year’s important life lesson We are the worse judge of ourselves. I sometimes think that the world or people are against me, that people do things towards me, but in fact they do things for themselves. Of course their actions sometimes make us feel like they’re intentionally targeting us but the reality is they aren’t thinking about you that much, you’re not that special that they would target every action directly toward you. Once I realized that it was easy to move on and focus on my own personal growth and not take everything so personally.

The end of last year, I decided to take the job back from where I was before I moved to TOMS. I had such a big conflict of interest, I was worried people would judge me, would look down on me and all possible thoughts that could possibly happen. It consumed me for quite a while and made me tired, until I realize the above lesson learn. People do not care much about me, they might talk about me, but it’s their concerns, not mine. After all, I felt amazing to be back. Nothing happened as I was worried about. At the end of the day, it’s all about ourselves and what is important for us as long as it is accompanied by relevant values and vision we believe in. And the result is a risk we decide to take.

Another life lesson is, travel and experiences are the best way to spend money . It is memorable and impactful. I did not travel that much last year, but when I saw some images back, I actually kind of did. That is exactly the reason why I always wanted to freeze the memory by keeping a digital album, video, blog and journal. Because I tend to forget things, not that it did not matter, but I just don’t keep up with the little details happened. While these little details are actually a source of gratitude. However, this year, I aim to travel more for the list of destination that has been long awaited. I am so enthusiastic about what life brings and to realize my dreams! I am ready to create a lot of momentum and memorize it.

Last year, I failed doing something that matter to me. A business that has been dear in my heart. I put a lot of things into it, but it just did not work. I think it was not as ready as I wanted it to be, and it is okay. I was upset at first as that was one of my biggest goal last year. However, I shortly realized that I had guts to start it, to do something that I have in my mind. And take chances are one of the most important things happened to me. I learnt from my  mistakes and by doing it I know what I have to anticipate along the way when I start doing it again. I learnt from experiences. I spent not a little money, but I am glad I did, because with it I found out what would not work and what might work.

Lastly, I need to celebrate that I married the man of my dream. Marriage life has not been nothing but pleasant. Yes we have not had our own house, yes we are still figuring out a lot in life, yet I am glad that I go through all this together with a man like Damar. We have hopefully a long time to enjoy the beauty of life together and study in the university of life.

TOAST for a year that has passed and welcome the new year with a long list of goals, vision, and dreams!!! I am so excited as I can be.

There are 2 type of time definition from Newton and Einstein. Newton said time is absolute, Einstein said time is relative. I chose to believe Einstein’s theory. I choose to create my time and its meaning… – MSI 

Europe Family Life Netherlands

Birthday and 2nd time at Giethoorn – with parents and husband

28th December 2016 - 7 min read

How time flew, just a few years back I visited Giethoorn with good friends that are now back in Indonesia, with my brother who is already back in Indonesia, and I was still in a long distance relationship with my ex, then.

This time, I touched the water of Giethoorn for the second time with my husband and my beloved parents. My parents were visiting me and my sister, while also babysitting my sister’s children during their Hajj time in mid of September. They stayed in the Netherlands for more than a month. I hoped it could re-pay the time we missed to spend together and paying back a little bit for everything that they have sacrificed for me and my siblings. I know that all of those efforts were priceless and could never been re-paid, but I’d do anything to make them happy and to listen to their wishes. Too bad I was not able to take too many days off, but we managed to escape during the weekend or a little bit more. This little trip to North-West of Holland was in the first weekend of their stay. We were afraid of the weather that gone back the days prior our visit, but our worry was proved to be wrong. The weather turned out so great, very beautiful and sunny. It was just us four and actually the very first quality time my parents spent together with their son-in-law. I had to say it went pretty well. There was something magical seeing Damar interacted with my parents. I shall cherish the moment… Hence the bunch of pictures..

Oh and by the way, my birthday was also that week. Damar got me a beatiful mirrorless camera that I fell in love instantly. To be fairly honest, we had this discussion about camera way before my birthday so I am quite aware for his little surprise. He said so I can take better pictures. That just motivated me to start learning about photography. I was born in a family who loves photography, my dad (and brother) used to be a photographer himself.  The camera is Canon EOSM3 with 24.29 Megapixels (as sharp as the reality). Lens 3.10xzoom 18-55mm, shutter is 1/4000-30 seconds and it is quite light as well just 350 gram. I’d ike to say this is mini version of SLR.

So below are my captures with  my new toy, no editing involved (it’s too beautiful as is but also because I took it from my lens, my perspective while considering the amount of light already). Another challenge in the new age for making my life always alive: Photography and Videography.

Cheers to more adventurous life with my forever travel buddy and good moments with loved ones..

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About the place

Image result for giethoorn map

Giethoorn. It is so peaceful, so different and has such simple beauty that is very gentle. The only transportation back then was through the canal/water hence the boat as the main tourist attraction. For local, this place is not considered as a place to go, and not so many Dutch know that people call this city as ‘the Venice of Netherlands’. But believe it or not, because I reckoned, a partnership of a Holland trip agency, there a lot of Asian especially Chinese tourist in the city which allows you reading chinese/mandarin menu in the restaurant ad store.

I went from Amsterdam by car and it took around 2 hours via the highway. According to Damar, it is quite convenient driving city to city by car because of the accessibility of high way and lower cost, only we did not contribute to the emission decreasing. Train goes to this city as well. You have to stop in Almere and then Steedwijk and transfer to Bus 70 to the city of Giethoorn. Because of its size, the last public transportation is quite early as well. You have to assure you leave the city no more than 7 pm especially in the winter.

It is worth visiting but it is not necessary to take more than 1 day in this city and you don’t have to stay over in the hotel locally.


Return ticket Ams-Giethoorn = € 49.17

Boat = € 17.00

Haring = € 3.00

Kibbeling (fried fish) = € 5.00